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Affidavit And Waiver Of Right Of Rescission


[I/We], [Name of tenant(s)], the undersigned, as Tenant(s) of hereinafter "Customer", being duly sworn, do hereby declare that:

We have entered into a loan agreement with [Name of creditor] hereinafter "Creditor", in the amount of $ [Amount of loan], such transaction executed on [Date executed] which may result in a lien, mortgage, or other security interest on our home.

Under penalty of perjury, we hereby waive our right to rescind the agreement due to these conditions: [Reasons for termination].

The extension of credit is vitally necessary to meet a bonafide personal financial emergency, whereby a delay of three (3) business days in performance of Creditor's obligation under this transaction will jeopardize our financial welfare and endanger us and our home.

Tenant Tenant

Witness Date